Intuition Parenting Support Services


About Intuition Parenting Support Services

Intuition Parenting Support Services is here to remove the pressure we place on ourselves to look into everything we do before we can allow ourselves to listen to what our intuition is telling us for the many, often daunting, parenting decisions we face on our journeys in growing our families.

We are so fortunate to live in a time where knowledge is at our fingertips, but it can also bog us down and be overwhelming. All the research and time spent trying to figure out the “right way” often creates stress and gobbles up the valuable family time we are trying to cherish.

What Intuition Parenting Support Services offers you is the time consuming work already complete! The training and certifications, research of the evidence and facts, reading of many expert books, all wrapped up into one supportive and loving person who you can use as a sounding board for your ideas on how YOU want to raise your children.

I will be there to support you in the ways you see fit, offering answers to the questions you ask, yet never offering ‘expert’ advice in a prescriptive manner. Parents often know exactly what to do in their child’s best interest, and may just need some reassurance along the way. No one is an expert in your child other than you, and no baby or child is the same.

Let me share the tools and knowledge I have gained to relieve your stress and help instil trust in yourself to follow your Intuition.

Our offerings:

About Julia

Julia with Hannah (and even Avery, 8 months pregnant) – Experimental Farm October 2016

When I used to hear that “if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”, I did not truly believe it could be a reality.

Before I started my journey of having children, I thought my career was something close to my heart, but it still certainly felt like work. I didn’t yet realize that I could take the one thing that I truly loved doing on my own time, and could do for hours on end with a smile on my face, and make it my career. This was to be the loving and accepting ears, a sounding board, and only when asked for, to offer my knowledge and advice which I have gained from all of my learning, to my friends and family with pregnancy and parenting questions.

Interestingly my background is a Bachelor of Science in Marine and Freshwater Biology and a Masters of Environment and Sustainability, my first baby if you will, my passion for the natural world around us. I couldn’t have possibly known about my true heart passion until I became pregnant with my first child. It was through my first pregnancy, labour, birth, and early parenting that a huge shift occurred for me where I realized that my draw to interlinked parenting topics was too powerful to ignore. I could say that I wish I had known this true passion of mine from the beginning,  but I have no regrets, everything I have done and learned brought me to where I am today!

Through my maternity leave with our daughter, while grappling with the difficulty of going back to work and finding a daycare for her, I was fortunate to instead be able to follow my heart and open a home daycare which I ran for two years until our son was born.  My daycare was an attachment parenting friendly home daycare – meaning, that however your child was being raised at home, how they were put to sleep for nap for example, I would replicate it during daycare hours to the best of my ability.

From beginning years ago of unofficially supporting friends on their journeys, and then through the daycare days, I learned that I can offer myself, without judgement, to support another parent on their journey.

Every turning point through the years led to a light-bulb finally being lit, that I had not ‘gained the skills’ per say to be so well fit for this career, but that it was already all a part of me. My loving and open personality, my ability to listen without judgement and help guide someone to what feels right to them, my nurturing caring side, and my true passion and ability to gain the knowledge that is helpful in supporting ourselves as we parent, has led me to where I am today.

To find this path, I didn’t have to read through a list of ‘skills and experience required’ and wonder if I was possibly qualified to apply for this job, in fact, it is the other way around.  I was born to do this, and the job description mirrored a definition of who I am, and I am so grateful to have found it and be able to offer it to you.